var preloaded = []; // here is a lame preloading script i am putting in just for demonstration for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { preloaded[i] = [loadimage("menu_b_" + i + ".jpg"), loadimage("menu_b_" + i + ".jpg")]; } function init() { // whatever stuff you need to do onload goes here. //========================================================================================== // if supported, initialize mtdropdowns //========================================================================================== // check issupported() so that menus aren't accidentally sent to non-supporting browsers. // this is better than server-side checking because it will also catch browsers which would // normally support the menus but have javascript disabled. // // if supported, call initialize() and then hook whatever image rollover code you need to do // to the .onactivate and .ondeactivate events for each menu. //========================================================================================== if (mtdropdown.issupported()) { mtdropdown.initialize(); // hook all the image swapping of the main toolbar to menu activation/deactivation // instead of simple rollover to get the effect where the button stays hightlit until // the menu is closed. menu1.onactivate = function() { swapimage("button1", preloaded[1][1].src) }; menu1.ondeactivate = function() { swapimage("button1", preloaded[1][1].src) }; menu1.onactivate = function() { swapimage("button2", preloaded[2][1].src) }; menu1.ondeactivate = function() { swapimage("button2", preloaded[2][1].src) }; menu1.onactivate = function() { swapimage("button3", preloaded[3][1].src) }; menu1.ondeactivate = function() { swapimage("button3", preloaded[3][1].src) }; menu1.onactivate = function() { swapimage("button4", preloaded[4][1].src) }; menu1.ondeactivate = function() { swapimage("button4", preloaded[4][1].src) }; menu1.onactivate = function() { swapimage("button5", preloaded[5][1].src) }; menu1.ondeactivate = function() { swapimage("button5", preloaded[5][1].src) }; } } // this is a crappy example preloader. use whichever one you want. function loadimage(sfilename) { var img = new image(); img.src ="images/" + sfilename; return img; } // this is a crappy example image swapper. use whichever you want. function swapimage(imgname, sfilename) { //document.images[imgname].src = sfilename; }